Among them, I would like to ask you to look into the Seoul Hyundai College of Practical Technology, which has many practical training and has been characterized by employment.Seoul Hyundai Practical College is a specialized training and employment school located in Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul.It is located in Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul.It is Bonnie-in-Seoul and has high accessibility.
It’s important to choose a university in the Department of Hotel Confectionery and Bread, but if you want to make a variety of breads in confectionery and make your own work!Why don’t you choose Seoul Hyundai College of Practical Technology, which is a specialized training school for finding a job well?

Today, I’d like to introduce the University of Confectionery and Bread.In the past, carbohydrates were the main target of consumption in Korean society.I took it while growing rice through rice cultivation and field cultivation.As society developed, they signed export and import contracts, imported flour, and became widely established in modern society.
In addition, you can get a two-four-year degree through both theoretical and practical classes, and you can get a certificate throughout the vacation period.Because practical training is the main course, you can build up practical skills faster than others.Among them, I would like to tell you the reason why I want you to look into our major in hotel confectionery bread because it has a higher practical training rate than the curriculum.
In addition, various craft training courses will be conducted through the 3Master course, which includes sugar craft, chocolate craft and bread craft courses.Therefore, students can further develop their own abilities through special lectures.In addition, during the holidays, you can give special lectures by cake designers and learn about various fields of confectionery bread making.Therefore, students can set their course through various special lectures, and they can start a business with their own colors, not simply a bakery.
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In addition to starting a business, you can also set up a variety of career paths by managing dessert cafes and finding jobs at special hotels and famous bakeries in Japan and abroad!Therefore, students are also showing high growth rates and satisfaction.
Professor Hong Jung-hoon of the Korea Confectionery Association and Professor Lee Ju-young of the Confectionery Skill Manager from Lucordon Blue will be teaching as a professor majoring in hotel confectionery baking.In particular, in the case of the University of Confectionery and Bread Manufacturing, I think it will be advantageous for future employment and start-ups only if you make various kinds of bread yourself and practice.Since practical training is being conducted rather than theory, practical skills can be learned, and individual practical skills can be developed by providing a kitchen table for two people.
Students are also interested in making confectionery bread, and they are setting their course at the University of Confectionery and Bread Department of Confectionery and Bread Department of Confectionery and Bread.First of all, there are Suwon Science University, International University, Suwon Women’s University, Hyoda University, Woosung Information University, and Korea Tourism University, Shin-Ansan University, Yongin University, etc.
How do you get into a school with so many advantages?Regardless of school records and CSAT scores, we select new students through 100% interviews.We are conducting a selection process that gives benefits to students who are interested in the selection process through out-of-the-box selection process at any time.It’s an off-time selection at any time, so it doesn’t affect the deduction of the number of applications at any time!Seoul Hyundai College of Practical Technology Hotel Cooking, Confectionery Bread, Barista, Bartender, Police Security, Taekwondo, Physical Education, Children, Social Welfare, Military Associate Degree, Employment t2m.krBy the way, ladies and gentlemen, I would like to talk about choosing a university in the Department of Hotel Confectionery and Bread, which has a slightly more diverse career path than the Department of General Confectionery and Bread.